There are very few things that encompass literally everything you do in business. One of those things? Brand voice and copywriting. Your brand voice dictates how you speak, write, market, engage with others, treat clients and more.
This month we had some amazing conversation surrounding best practices when creating impactful content that builds trust with your community and clientele. Jill Wichner, rockstar copywriter and content creator, walked us through our struggles with guided breakout room discussion questions, encouraging us to use our voice and create copy that is working for us!
Brand Voice & Copywriting (Monthly Guide Download)
5 Brilliant Copywriting Formulas to Win more Clients via Email
How to DIY your brand messaging strategy
The Difference Between a Brand and a Business
Jill Wichner is a copywriter and content marketing strategist whose happy place is showcasing your unique voice and message through strategic storytelling and personality-packed content that connects and converts. Jill specializes in helping creative entrepreneurs and small business owners grow more engaged and connected audiences through impactful, high-converting copy that beautifully captures your voice, captivates your audience and is optimized to help grow and market your business.
During our Zoom meeting, we broke into groups to consider our own copy within our website, social media, client communication — really everything! By sharing our challenges with our smaller groups, in Breakout Sessions, we were able to ask specific questions and dissect our own voice. Here are some of the guided questions we used to deep-dive into the topics:
Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller
How to Style Your Brand by Fiona Humberstone
Building a StoryBrand with Donald Miller
Tom Ross and The Honest Entrepreneur Show
The following were resources were mentioned in the group by fellow members: